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CoVID-19 Recovery

Building resilience into our local economies.


While CoVID19 has delivered a devastating blow to our communities, it is one of those black swan events that is considered highly improbable and is unlikely to occur any time soon. Despite this, it has disrupted the lives of nearly everyone on the planet. In the process, it has also exposed deep seated structural fault lines and vulnerabilities in our societies. For example, CoVID19 has demonstrated that inequality is not just confined to wealth but has become apparent in the unequal opportunities in our workforce; those jobs that could be conducted remotely fared better than those that were unable to do so. It has also demonstrated that certain industries were more exposed than others; the median small business is only able to survive 27 days without cash inflows. Moreover, it revealed the disproportionate impact of shock events on marginalized and vulnerable groups in society; the impact of CoVID19 varied by income, gender, socioeconomic level and among part time vs full time workers. As we attempt to get our economies back on track, we are presented with a window of opportunity to resolve these structural shortfalls. For those that take the time to address these frictions, they will lay the groundwork for building stronger and more resilient communities. 

  • Which groups were disproportionately effected by the public health and economic impacts of the CoVID-19 pandemic?

  • How has CoVID-19 effected different sectors (e.g. tourism, real estate, education, etc.) and what can be done to support them?

  • How has the local economy been impacted by the pandemic and how can we build a more robust economic base to withstand future shocks?

  • How has CoVID-19 effected the labour force and what can be done to retain employment?

  • What is the impact of CoVID-19 on consumer spending patterns and what has this meant for local businesses?

  • Post-mortem on the Economic Impact of CoVID-19

  • Economic Impact Assessment

  • Economic Development Strategy

  • Consumer Spending Patterns

  • Sector Specific Analysis

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